Club for Growth has strong concerns over details of a plan to increase federal spending by hundreds of billions of dollars and suspend the debt limit through the 2020 elections. A deal is not final, but apparently the spending levels and debt limit provisions of the plan are agreed upon by the negotiators, including Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
In April Club for Growth joined FreedomWorks and other fiscal conservative groups on a letter to Republican Leadership urging them not to agree to any legislation that would breach the spending limits set in the 2011 Budget Control Act. Club for Growth has also been working with House and Senate conservatives to ensure that any spending deal must #HoldToTheCaps set in 2011. Club for Growth maintains a website with the conservatives who have spoken out in support of holding to the 2011 spending caps on the Fiscal Conservative Wall of Fame, and the group will issue a key vote alert on the spending agreement at the appropriate time.
The post Statement on Status of Spending Deal Negotiations appeared first on Club for Growth.